When you spend a week at a workshop and come home, you get asked constantly about how it went and what you learned.
When you attend a normal business type workshop, you come away with specific changes you will make or investigate for your business – new software, a better way to do something you’re already doing, a neat new marketing tip. You have tangibles.
The focus of FW4 was to get the participants to think differently… to see differently. I’m pretty sure they accomplished just that.
But, what specifically did I learn? What tangible things did I walk away with?
I can’t tell you. I just know… it was good. Really good.
Everything is so abstract… I walked away with a number of mantras and vague concepts, things I can’t articulate and that my right brain is still digesting, but stuff I know I’ll have running through my head from now on whenever I pick up my camera or edit a shoot. Shoot and move, shoot and move. Watch for secondary subject matter. Anticipate the moment, as in, REALLY anticipate it. When you think you’ve nailed it, work it some more. And more. And again. You might surprise yourself. No tilty, tilty; no funky, funky. When it’s a good time to get that SCREAMING TIGHT SHOT (and why I’d better ensure that shot is horizontal when I grab it). There’s so much more…
Part of our week had us out on assignment, assignments that revolved around anything but weddings. I spent time with a family of 4 – Alex, Rob, Max (5), and Nia (3). We shot during the day, painfully edited and critiqued the shoot at night, and did it again the next day. I’ve been home for 4 days and was only there for 5 and I’m still playing catch up on my sleep.
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