Keri & Tony

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You know how all those movies end with the happy couple in love sailling off into the sunset? Well, that’s just what these two intend to do. With a yacht cruise scheduled for the reception, they’ll be watching the sunset with their friends and family to celebrate their wedding in May. I can’t wait to shoot the images!

Congrats again guys! We’ll see you in a couple of weeks!

Linda & Paul

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Linda and Paul’s wedding is quite possibly the single wedding of the year that I am most looking forward to.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am excited about ALL of our weddings and am giddy that I get to spend basically every single weekend between now and October photographing so many amazing couples as they take the step of tying the knot. All of our weddings, however, are not taking place close to my most very favourite bed and breakfast in the whole wild world – Jensen’s Bay B&B in Tofino. And, what a better complement to a mini-vacation (because now that’s what their wedding weekend is to us – the room has been booked!) than to get to shoot a wedding on the beach? I can’t wait!

Needless to say, the beach was the perfect spot for some engagement photos. Looking forward to September for the big affair!

Ladies who Launch

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I stumbled upon Ladies who Launch via another local entrepreneur’s blog last night, and I’m practically tripping over myself already because I’m so excited.

Ladies who Launch – as best as I can describe it – is a collective of creative entrepreneur type women working together to help each other reach their goals through networking, mentoring, idea generating, and just plain old girl talk. There is an incubator workshop being held in Vancouver in May led by the fabulous Bodacious Girls, and I’m already signed up.

I’m already meeting with someone I met last night through the network next weekend to talk about possibly helping out with some of the photography for an up coming tres cool Crave Party project, and I just CANNOT wait until May when I get to meet everyone else.

I spend my days immersed in Blue Olive… working on our new logo & brand (to be launched soon!), networking with other photographers, pouring over neat marketing ideas to get our name out to future Blue Olive couples, and thinking up great ways to WOW our current clients.

Since moving our studio to Vancouver in the fall, I’ve never felt so EXCITED about our business as I do this week (if that’s even possible, because I’m always excited about it!). Later this month we’ve been setting up a dinner and drinks get together for some other local wedding photographers so it will be great to meet more people. And now, with Ladies who Launch I’m going to meet and work with a whole pile of amazing, talented, and creative local women who are looking for the same thing as I am – to take a idea, turn it into reality or expand it exponentially from where it is now, and KICK SOME BUTT with what we do!


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Blue Olive Photography has been officially invited to participate in Aisle Walk for 2007!

Aisle Walk is the swankiest new wedding magazine around, showcasing hand picked vendors “especially selected for their distinctive style, a reputation for excellence, and a passion for what they do.” Participation is by invitation only to industry leaders within the Vancouver & Whistler wedding market.

Needless to say, we’re honoured to have been chosen and thrilled to participate! One of our lucky couples will have their photos featured in next year’s magazine, and I just love to see our brides in print.

Be sure to hit the website to request your electronic copy of the current magazine, or find it at vendors around town. Once the new edition is out at the end of the year we’ll be sure to share our piece.

March Wedding

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We were honoured on Saturday to attend the most beautifully classic wedding of two completely in love people. Rather than dive into the craziness that often follows typical wedding planning, these two chose to elope and to spend their day focussed on the most important part of marriage – eachother.

I have so many photos I am dying to share, but I need to keep these anonymous for now so I’m going to tease you with a couple of the details instead. Once the marriage has been announced to all their family and friends I’ll be sure to share more!

Think differently, See Differently

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When you spend a week at a workshop and come home, you get asked constantly about how it went and what you learned.

When you attend a normal business type workshop, you come away with specific changes you will make or investigate for your business – new software, a better way to do something you’re already doing, a neat new marketing tip. You have tangibles.

The focus of FW4 was to get the participants to think differently… to see differently. I’m pretty sure they accomplished just that.

But, what specifically did I learn? What tangible things did I walk away with?

I can’t tell you. I just know… it was good. Really good.

Everything is so abstract… I walked away with a number of mantras and vague concepts, things I can’t articulate and that my right brain is still digesting, but stuff I know I’ll have running through my head from now on whenever I pick up my camera or edit a shoot. Shoot and move, shoot and move. Watch for secondary subject matter. Anticipate the moment, as in, REALLY anticipate it. When you think you’ve nailed it, work it some more. And more. And again. You might surprise yourself. No tilty, tilty; no funky, funky. When it’s a good time to get that SCREAMING TIGHT SHOT (and why I’d better ensure that shot is horizontal when I grab it). There’s so much more…

Part of our week had us out on assignment, assignments that revolved around anything but weddings. I spent time with a family of 4 – Alex, Rob, Max (5), and Nia (3). We shot during the day, painfully edited and critiqued the shoot at night, and did it again the next day. I’ve been home for 4 days and was only there for 5 and I’m still playing catch up on my sleep.

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What an amazing week.

There’s so much to say and so much to write about, but I’m still in catch-up mode trying to get everything done that I missed while I was away.

I’m working on a slideshow of the images I created and I can’t wait to share them, along with more of the story!

Chat soon!