Just a note to send everyone our warmest holiday wishes! Regardless of what and how you celebrate, hold your family and friends close and make sure to indulge just a little!
For us – we’ve been busy finishing up all those last minute holiday orders and meeting with new couples for next year’s wedding season. This weekend, we’re having a small gathering and I’ll be cooking up dinner including a goose! I normally do a turkey, but we’re just having a few people so goose seemed somehow appropriate. We’ll see what I think after I figure out how to actualy cook it 🙂
This next week we’re spending some time with family and friends as well as working on some new sample albums and other goodies for the studio.
Here’s to looking forward to an exciting 2006! Thanks to everyone who has been a part of our studio so far and for those who we will be working with this year, it’s going to be a great year!