CRAVE Vancouver

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One of the things that I love most about Vancouver is the amazing network of women who own and run some of the best shops, spas, and services that our city has to offer. It is on this note that I was so incredibly honoured to be invited into the first edition of the CRAVE Vancouver book as a featured business owner!

The CRAVE book – editions available in Vancouver, Seattle, San Francisco, and soon to be Portland – is a girl’s shopping guide to the city with a neighbourhood by neighbourhood focus on over 200 boutiques, spas, and service businesses. In their words – “CRAVE Vancouver is a celebration of women entrepreneurs that showcases some of the most creative, interesting, and gutsy proprietors throughout 10 of Vancouver’s favourite neighbourhoods.”

In addition to the photo rich neighbourhood guides complete with maps and store contact info, women have been chosen in each neighbourhood to share some of the secrets of their success, which is where my piece appears.

Miranda Lievers – Blue Olive Photography

“Know when to delegate! Invest your energy in what is most important for you and your business in order to not burn yourself out… and, of course, Network! Other business people can be one of your most important resources. They’ve done it before and are often willing to share what they did to get where they are – tap into that to move your business forward quicker.”

Inspiration/Motivation for starting my business:
I know what my parents wedding photographs look like and I know what my grandparents do as well. It’s cheesy, but those moments are gone in a heartbeat. It is powerful to be able to capture them and record that time in history. The first time that I brought a grown man to tears with the images I had produced of his daughter I realized how important good photography is and began to build the business plan for our studio.

How much money did it take to start?
A lot more than you’d think! Photographers just need a camera, right? With all the equipment, the backups, the computers, and the software needed behind the scenes to do it right it cost around $25 000 originally with more being invested all the time.

What I like most about owning my business:
I get to do all the jobs! I never get bored. I can be the marketing girl one day, the strategist the next, and even the photographer when that suits my fancy.

What I like least about owning my business:
The paperwork

Personal time off indulgence:
Watching Next Top Model. I pretend it’s market research.

People would be surprised that:
I have hardly any photos of myself. I’m always on the other side of the camera, and our vacation photos consist of beautiful landscapes but very few images with either of us.

Favourite guilty pleasure shopping place:
Bodacious on Main

You can find the website for the book here. The book has just been released and will be available at businesses around town, in bookstores, and on

Comments 3

  1. Terra

    Congrats to you!!! You are officially my first friend published in a book. I will be ordering it off Amazon for sure!!! Keep up the great work. I love the blueolive site pics!

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