I hope everyone in town is getting out to enjoy some of the Olympic fun! We just got back from lunch at the Swiss House and ran into one of our upcoming brides (hello!!), so that was a nice touch to our dutiful yet tasty line-up-for-food adventure. More than the official crowd stuff, I’m loving all the excuses to hang out with friends while watching the medal events. Tonight we’re having a few people over to watch the snowboarding halfpipe competition – in the comfort of our place, where beer *doesn’t* cost $9 😉 The only challenge currently is that we have to keep moving the TV downstairs for when we’re working in the office so we can keep an eye on the action!
OK – we’re into October weddings now. Shari joined Reilly for Jenny & Anthony’s wedding, and we’re excited to have her on board for most of our weddings in the coming year. It’s going to be such a great year! Jenny & Anthony were married at Cecil Green and following their photo session Victoria Chinese Restaurant held the reception. I know I sound like a broken record sometimes, but what a fun wedding! Just look at the smiles and joy in these photos – our job is so easy when everyone is just having such an amazing time. And really, Jenny is about as cute as you can get, the photos are just a reflection of that. I’m working on their album now and it’s so hard to narrow down the images – I want to use them all!
More to come tomorrow! Enjoy the sunshine!