Cans for Comments! Comment on our blog and we’ll give a can to the food bank

bop Blue Olive Photography News 17 Comments

blogcans There’s nothing that we love more than hearing from all of the people who read our blog – whether for comments, questions, or compliments. So, for the second year in a row we’re doing Cans for Comments.This year we’re upping the ante and leaving this open for two full weeks! Last year we donated a huge pile of food as a result, and this year we want to do more.

Until December 7th we’ll donate one non-perishable food item to our local food bank for every person who comments on any current or previous post on our blog. Simple!

A huge shout out goes to our friends Chris & Lynn for coming up with and starting the drive!

*UPDATE* Thanks for everyone who commented! We have a huge pile of cans ready to go to our local foodbank. Cheers!

Comments 17

  1. dayment

    Hi hi hi! Here is my comment! Would love for you guys to shoot the girls some day. Haha that sounds funny. Miss y'all. If you ever have a meetup before 6 pm let us know!

  2. Melissa

    Commenting for cans here :0) It is a wonderful thing you are doing to give back to your community and help feed the hungry…..thank you!

  3. Angie

    Hi, love your work. This is more of a question than a comment, but hopefully you will still add a can! How did you come up with your name?

  4. Post
    wedding photographer

    Our name was inspired by many things, includng that it's unique enough to make you ask how we came up with our name 😉

  5. christine

    Just saw your site and enjoyed it very much. Wondering if you do sessions with little ones and pets? Our little boy is 6 months old. Good luck with the can drive, great idea!!

  6. Daniel

    This is totally awesome! This will really help out a lot of families this year, and I'm totally in for Cans for Comments too!

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